Saturday, October 30, 2010

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks, 1 day

Total Weight Gain? 7lbs.

Symptoms? who knows? I think I've forgotten what was like before symptoms.

Stretch Marks? Still just the two.

Sleep? wake up a lot, and the very vivid dreams have returned. Last night, I had a super-detailed dream about working at Bur.ger Since I was thrilled to leave there after my 2+ year stint as a manager, I was not happy dreaming about it.

Best Moment Last Week? See next question

Movement? Yes! It's really started the last couple days. Even Jeff has gotten to feel her twice. She literally kicks me in the boobs every time I lean forward.

Food Cravings? Sugaaaarrrrrrr.

What I miss? Being able to lift heavy stuff myself. I feel like a bum when I have to have someone else do it for me. Being able to slouch.

What I am looking forward to? Feeling her move more. It's amazing.

Milestones? Movement!

How is Daddy? He was so excited to feel her move!


  1. I can barely believe that you are already halfway there! It seems like time is moving SO fast! Keep enjoying every minute of it :)
    xoxo~ foxy

  2. Kicks are the absolute best feeling ever! Congrats on that super-reassuring milestone! And, Congrats on your bean since I was on my bloggie break when you got your BFP. Can't wait to follow your journey!
