Sunday, April 11, 2010


Wow. You wanna talk about crappy timing? I got it.

I POAS on Friday morning, cause AF still hadn't arrived. Still negative. Got to school. An hour later, emails start flying back and forth about our computer teacher. You guessed it...Pregnant. An hour later, AF arrived.

Now let me break this down for you. Any pregnancy announcement is sure to send me into tears lately. But this one sent me over the edge. Our computer teacher is a wonderful woman. She and I were going through TTC together. She and her husband have been trying for 8 months (not long, I know) but were going in for infertility testing this month if they didn't get pregnant. Instead, she got a positive test.

Please don't misunderstand me. I am thrilled for her. I am happy she got what she wanted and that she doesn't have to go through all this bullshit. But at the same time...she's now the one "expecting an early Christmas present" as she put it. And I am so jealous. If our IUI had worked, we too would be expecting an early Christmas present.

I don't understand it. Did she deserve it more this month? Did she pray harder? Eat better? What makes her a better choice than me?


  1. Oh what a bad day. A friend who had been trying for a year recently announced her pregnancy. I had to listen to everyone ask her questions at a party last night, sucked.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry. That sounds like an absolutely awful day. It's hard not to ask those questions or wonder why we're the ones going through this. Praying for you!
