Friday, February 4, 2011

35 Weeks

Jeff and I are on day 4 of our six-day weekend. No, it wasn't planned. We're on our (amazingly) 4th snow day of the week! The first three probably should have been defined as ice days, but today it's hard to believe there's at least an inch of ice under all the pretty snow.

I woke up yesterday with a double ear infection. I haven't felt pain like that in a long time. Most of yesterday was spent braving the ice for a doctor appointment and then picking up the prescription. And being in pain. Then last night, my mother-in-law suggested some OTC stuff they have to numb the pain. So we braved the ice again to go get some. It paired with the antibiotic helped, because finally about 2 last night they both stopped hurting. My right ear is still completely stopped up, I can't hear a thing out of it. But no pain.

Also, today is my birthday. I'm 27!

How far along? 35 Weeks

Total weight gain? I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but when I did on Wednesday, I was at 21 lbs.

Symptoms? Heartburn. Overwhelming sense of fear....oh wait. That's probably not a symptom.
Stretch Marks? Many

Sleep? Actually been pretty good this week, up until the ear thing

Best Moment last week? Making it through the breastfeeding class without passing out!

Movement? Never get tired of it.

Food Cravings? Eh. Not really.

What I miss? Breathing. Being able to sit up to type and eat. I have to lean back, and I just don't do that!

What I am looking forward to? My mom finished the bumper for the crib, so I'm looking forward to putting that on.

Milestones? Only 5 weeks!

How is Daddy? Cute. He's the one who stopped and wanted to buy baby clothes at the store on Tuesday!


  1. Happy Birthday! Sorry about the ear infections, but I'm glad that even if they haven't cleared up you're not in pain anymore.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday!! Mine was Saturday so we are almost birthday buddies.

  3. Hope the rest of your weekend remained pain-free & you had a happy birthday holiday!
